Lesson 01A & Quiz

Please, watch the lesson below up to 31'58" minutes and then answer the quiz. If you wish, you can watch the video for L01 in our website, where the transcript is right next to the lesson (some people like to follow the text). For your convenience below is the transcript of the lesson in pdf form, if you need to search for some answers or you wish to download or print it.

Ideally, in less than an hour you should be ready with this lesson. If you wish, you can do it in your morning worship. Dedicate this time for a private audience with your King.

Below you have pdf file of the Binder with all quotes from the Scripture and Spirit of Prophecy. This Binder was used throughout all seminar, so if you wish to follow what page they were reading from, here you have it.

Just to be sure we are on the same page: someone wrote us that he finished L01 by watching the video. In character building training we consider lesson done when we see your assignments accomplished ;-)

That means:

1) your quizzes

2) your brief outline

3) application of the lesson in your life in 3 short stories and

4) sharing with 3 friends some thought from the lesson.

When it comes to quizzes, please pay attention to your answers since you cannot retake the quiz. It’s like in a real life - once we say an irritated word or do something improper, we can’t take it back. So consider it as a part of your character building training too. On the other hand, when you didn't reach 100% it doesn’t mean that you failed. Quizzes here are not as in a school to show you how good or bad you are ;-) but rather to help you see if you caught the main thoughts from the lesson. We don't give certificate for successful accomplishment of this course in the sense that after 40 lessons you are considered 100% or 70% Christ-like - this is a lifelong process and this course wants us to become aware of it and get actively involved in it. Most people go through life as it comes - more-less slaves of circumstances. But we can learn to master the art of self-control and preserve that peace that only Christ can give and remain calm in the middle of life storms. Tough life circumstances are not allowed by Christ to punish us for anything, even many of them are consequences of our wrong choices or sinful lives. Rather we can look at these troubles as excellent tools in the school of Christ for our growth. They are in a way "cross-roads" where we either keep hardening our hearts by blaming others for our inconveniences or they makes us noble and humble by learning our lesson. Let us remember that the gospel truths are actually hardening our hearts if they don't bring salvation from some bad habit. The darkness is proportional to the light rejected. Bad quiz score can make someone upset or make him even more determined to do better next time.

When we see here your comments in the remaining 3 points - assignments mentioned above then we know your lesson is finished. Fair enough? Please, don't go to watch the next lesson before doing your part. We don't want people to be passive viewers but rather being very actively involved in this life transforming process! Your effort will be repaid tremendously!

We have very nice experience with one of our students, with whom we started this training by emails: she had hard time sharing with people some thought from each lesson, but once she started doing it she wrote us back how blessed she is and how she is touching the lives of others.

To move from one lesson to another use the bar on the left where you have each activity in a column. If you use the menu bar on the top right, which says "Complete and continue" it will mark your lesson as done. Please, do it only if you really completed the required activity.

Enjoy every bit of this character building training. Thank you and wish you lovely day with Jesus in your heart. His presence will brighten you, all your family members and those you meet today ;-)

Glory To Glory - Binder.pdf
Complete and Continue  